Wednesday, June 18, 2008

One Leg Down

Two weeks ago we went camping. My calves were sore for most of that trip because of hiking a lot on hills and playing too much Ultimate Frisbee. Either way, Thursday found me with a sore leg. A soreness that was painful, not just tight like normal muscle reaction. The pain increased as I tried to stretch it out and do my normal soreness-relieving techniques, so I opted to stay off it until it felt better.

This was difficult. I may be a little bit of a slacker when it comes to working out, but I at least work out a couple times a week, even if it's something light. Now, I was afraid to do anything. So I didn't, even though I figured I could do my Pilates video or go swim if I concentrated on my arms (instead of kicking).

Exercise is one of those things that I have to do consistently, or I get lethargic and lose all motivation to try to improve my physical fitness. Then I feel bad because I'm not as energetic AND I'm not staying in shape. Then it becomes a vicious cycle...

Anyway, I finally decided that two weeks of resting and taking anti-inflammatory medication was enough. So I went for a run yesterday. Just a little slow two-miler, but damn did it feel good. And today I went to yoga, which also felt great. I'm monitoring the bum leg, and while it feels a little sore or tight, it's not the same sort of pain I had two weeks ago. I'll continue monitoring and slowly increasing my workouts--though, tomorrow I'm supposed to play two games of Ultimate...

Have any of you all ever had a mildly irritating injury that kept you from the gym (or just from being active)? How did you handle it?

1 comment:

PossumCrepes said...

One word: ice!

Running after an inflammation serious enough to have you on anti-inflammatories will be taxing on your inside parts. Ice them every day to give them some relief. I still have to ice my knee every day nearly seven months after my surgery. That was a bit more extensive, but the principle is the same. If you let it get too inflamed again, you'll be right back a square one. Ice is good...