Monday, May 07, 2007

Thinking Blogger Awards (finally!)

A while back (a long while, okay?) I was tagged for a Thinking Blogger award by the Secret Knitter. And I was, of course, honored, flattered, and felt really good about myself. He says:

It's good to see Jenn writing more regularly. She shares her grad school homework assignments, creative writing, and personal observations in a fun little blog.

I partly think he's trying to encourage me to write more, but nevertheless. I've been feeling guilt stings as the other recipients have passed out their awards...and then their awardees have in turn passed out more. (You probably get the picture). Here are the rules:

1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think,
2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme,
3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote (here is an alternative silver version if gold doesn't fit your blog).

All right--so many to choose from. I'd nominate Union, Trueheart, and Courtesy--but Donna has already been named multiple times (and she's quite deserving of the mentions). And Secret Knitter tagged me, so I'm guessing tag backs aren't allowed.

So here are my choices:

Kathryn's Blog--Kathryn is a good friend of mine and has recently been exploring the world of yoga. I enjoy reading her blog; she reflects on her practice and the challenges she faces in yoga as well as other interesting bits. It's a great read--and a good motivation for me to try to form my own yoga practice.

A Dress a Day--I love, love, love this blog. I discovered it when I first moved over to Blogger (it was a notable blog) and have been reading it ever since. I love how she blends her passion for dresses and her talent for writing. She writes about interesting dresses, dresses she's made, dresses she wants to make, and all the fabric that would make you drool. Interesting stuff.

ADAllen--Amanda may not write much...but when she does, it is consistently interesting and think-worthy. She writes about her academic interests as a graduate student in Student Affairs (sorry, I don't remember the official program name!)

The Slacktivist--Maybe it's because he quotes John Donne in his header. Maybe it's because he writes smart and insightful posts. Quite possibly it's because his criticism of the Left Behind series is both sharp and intelligent. All I know is that I enjoy reading his posts as he demonstrates that being on the left side of politics and a Christian are not incompatible--and he works in his own way to counter the perceptions of Christians of hard-nosed, Bible-thumping, condemning folks by showing the other side of faith.

And just for kicks, Domesticat. It's a knitting blog, but the author takes wonderful pictures and writes fun and witty posts. I enjoy reading it, and it makes me want to knit beautiful things and think about knitting...Most recently I participated in her letter swap...and made at least one new friend!

Now off to tag the recipients!


Quiet Moments said...

Ah, thank you for that. I definitely prefer the silver version.

the secret knitter said...

Cool links. Thanks for playing along.