Sunday, November 25, 2012


Several FB friends posted things they were thankful for all throughout November.  I liked the idea, generally, so I decided to reflect on things I'm thankful right here.

1. I'm thankful that I have the opportunity/resources to go visit my family and friends over Thanksgiving Break.  I got to see one of my brothers, my sister-in-law, and my darling niece, who was all over the place, talking and playing. We played a lot together, and even though I didn't get as much work done as I wanted, I didn't mind so much.  I also got to see some of my best friends in the whole world and spend lots of time with them too.  A wonderful week.

2.  I'm thankful for a supportive, caring partner. He's generous, sweet, and an amazing person to come home to--I can't imagine finding a better person to be with.

3.  I'm thankful for my health.  While I've been having some stomach aches/reflux issues lately (boo!), I'm still generally healthy.  I'm rarely ill and get plenty of sleep (usually) and eat well and am a healthy weight.

4. On a related note, I'm thankful for my physical ability. That I can a run a sub-4 hour marathon, a 23:45 5k, that I can randomly go out for a speedy 9 miler with my brother and feel great afterwards.  I'm thankful that I can do push ups and have a strong, flexible back. I'm even thankful for my tight hamstrings and other tight parts of me because they give me a challenge to work toward in yoga and the knowledge that limitations can also be doors to better things.

5. I'm thankful to be in school, to be teaching, to do be doing what I love, even if sometimes it's stressful and frustrating and I don't always feel like I'm on track.

6. I'm thankful for my life here in Fayetteville, the wonderful friends I have, to be generally close to most family members. To be able to talk to those who are far.

7.  I'm thankful for my snuggly kitty, even when she bites me. She's warm and furry and comforting in the winter.

8.  I'm thankful for my house--although it's small and a bit crowded sometimes, it's cozy and full of who we are.  I'm thankful that we live close enough to things in my town that I can ride my bike or walk many places.

9.  I'm thankful for access to delicious food: local produce, quality ingredients, a garden for fresh things, nice restaurants.

10. And, finally, I'm thankful that I'm able to be myself. I'm thankful for all of the love and support I feel daily, that I never feel alone in the world, that I have lots of friends and family members who have my back.  I'm thankful that even if we don't always agree, I can be myself around my family.  I'm thankful to know that where ever I end up after I graduate, that while I will be able to make new friends, I will still maintain relationships with those near and far.

I have a lot to be thankful for--it's a good, satisfying life I have.

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