Tuesday, January 12, 2021

a calendar here, a planner there

 I think my desire to schedule and plan has gotten a bit out of control.

As I'm sitting in my office, I see my Google calendar I use for work on my screen. I look up at the wall, where I have a monthly calendar with stickers and labels and my running schedule marked. Next to my left hand is my Passion Planner, and on my iPad is a Passion Planner digital. Yes, my calendaring has gotten a bit intense.

I typically rely on my Google calendar and a paper calendar to manage my time. But I think the pandemic lured me into thinking if I could just organize things fully, if I could just make sure I plan enough, then I can make everything a bit better. And in some ways, I'm right--we have been falling into some good rhythms with cleaning and work; this semester, I'm prioritizing not working late at night (typing on this blog withstanding); I'm working out more and sticking with my running/barre schedule; I feel organized and like I know what's going on in a day and that I have a sense of what I can feasibly get done.

However, I really don't need all these calendars and planners around because I'm spending too much time updating all of them instead of just the typical paper calendar and Google calendar instead of actually doing the things I need to get done. It's like my habit of writing out to-do lists instead of, say, doing things.

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